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Received: from localhost (mailer@localhost) by gatekeeper.ray.com (8.6.4/8.6.5) id PAA00291 for <COOPSTU4@vichosp.london.on.ca>; Thu, 3 Aug 1995 15:55:54 -0400
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Subject: Undeliverable Message
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Cc:            www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
Subject:       Security Holes

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	VNM3043:  Michael Caisse@IRC@MSDTWK

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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

I don't profess to be a unix wizard, but I do know some of what
you guys have been talking about lately.

Can someone please explain to me the nature of these holes as
you see them?  At times I know what you're talking about, but at
others I get confused.

Many thanks.
